How to reset my IP?
1. Open a ticket
2. Use bot command !ip email Example: !ip [email protected]
3. Close the ticket once success
2. Use bot command !ip email Example: !ip [email protected]
3. Close the ticket once success
Boss menu not working?
Boss menu opens from society script. If you are using any custom framework then it will not work directly. You have adjust society trigger name in client/utils.lua & server/utils.lua
How do i get discord role?
1. Connect your Patreon with Discord
2. Open a ticket
3. Include your Patreon email
4. Request for role
2. Open a ticket
3. Include your Patreon email
4. Request for role
How patreon & patreon subscription works?
All subscriptions are monthly. But you can get yearly for 15% discount.
Remember, if your get a monthly subscription, it's not for 1 month , it's for this month. So, if you pay for sub at end of the month you have to renew again at starting of a new month.
Remember, if your get a monthly subscription, it's not for 1 month , it's for this month. So, if you pay for sub at end of the month you have to renew again at starting of a new month.
How to manage database
My recommendation is to use HeidiSQL to manager your server database (not phpMyAdmin) and use MariaDB (not xampp)
Never install both limit & weight sql. Install the one that is compatible with your database
Never install both limit & weight sql. Install the one that is compatible with your database
What about custom frameworks?
We do not support custom frameworks, highly modified version, or deprecated/outdated versions of anything.